Sunday, 27 July 2014


Pay back takes precedence on the new 7” single Head of the Witch from Brisbane band Thigh Master - a hook laden guitar pop gem that sounds as if it had just erupted from some sealed off tomb of the ghosts of Indie Pop past. The band combines Memphis garage with Kiwi jangle in a way that sounds distinctly Brisbane; yes, that striped sunlight sound, reflecting back from the muddy waters of the Brisbane River. 

Far from forlorn, the band howls through Head of the Witch with vitriol to spare, a demanding sonic presence bursting from the speakers. The flipside is just as rewarding, with the driving pop punk of DD and ominous tom-tom strut of Night Terrors rivaling each other for a-side status. This is vibrant, memorable pop music played with conviction and a gut full of piss.

Order now through our bandcamp


A smart country kid migrates to a big dumb city called Brisbane and what do us fans of good music get? Dag. And we are damn lucky for it.

Frontman / songwriter Dusty Anastassiou brings us 6 songs of backyard woe and mild joy not heard with the same guitar slingin' finesse in this crumbling town since early go-betweens. 

This aint no craft beer swillin' / boutique venue hoppin' / beard wearin' folk rock. This is plain old downer rock, played with just enough optimism to last 6 songs without veering completely off the road. 

From the freaken beautiful opener "Born Without" to the relentless din of "There's A Power", this is honest no frills music through and through. 

-Matt Kennedy (Kitchen’s Floor, Eternal Soundcheck Records)

order now through our bandcamp